Working together for the environment

A key part of our Sustainable Mining Plan is to maintain a healthy environment.

It’s one of our three Global Sustainability Pillars, alongside being a trusted corporate leader and supporting thriving communities.

Our healthy environment pillar covers three key areas: biodiversity, climate change and water usage. The stretch goals we’ve set ourselves within these areas are designed to be challenging, to deliver them by 2030.

We’re ultimately aiming for a future where we’ve created waterless, carbon neutral mines, as well as delivering positive biodiversity outcomes.

"We seek to run our company to the highest possible standards of transparency, accountability and ethical conduct. We believe that effective corporate governance is the foundation of a well-run business."

- Deddy Suristo

President and Chief Executive Officer

Our work process

Over the course of more than 25 years of hard work with many large and small projects.
We have worked out the best working process.
Receive and Evaluate
the project overview
Research and
detailed Planning
Deploy and
complete the project
Evaluation and
project handover
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